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365bet Scholarships

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学海外学习与365bet办公室 准备学生了解世界,体验跨文化 沟通,并配备必要的国际技能,以支持我们的 future community needs in an increasingly international society. The Global Learning Travel Grant may be awarded to students who meet the eligibility requirements. For 更多信息和申请请到 环球学习旅行补助金 online brochure. Students will be expected to complete a re-entry workshop upon return 来自他们的留学项目.

Miss Austin Peay
Miss Austin Peay

Scholarship Winner-Seline




布劳德家族欧洲研究奖学金基金由布劳德博士创立. 杜威·布劳德,奥斯汀皮伊州立大学历史系退休系主任 and Philosophy.

Eligibility Requirements

  • 必须注册全日制,至少3个月.25 GPA
  • Must have completed one year of a European foreign language  (德语、西班牙语、拉丁语、希腊语或法语) 以及三个小时的欧洲历史课程,每门语言至少要达到C and history course.
  • 此外,接受者必须至少学习一门欧洲历史或欧洲外语 language course during the semester the scholarship is received.

       Click here to apply. 


This scholarship was established in memory of Sue Ann Nash. The 365bet Study Abroad 365bet海外留学奖学金评选委员会从以下名单中选出奖学金获得者 the applicant pool in Academic Works in accordance with University Policy. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • 退伍军人服务组织成员
  • GPA 3.0
  • 用于除西班牙以外的任何留学旅行
  • 积极参与校园社区活动
Click here to apply.

Eligibility Requirements 

  • 学生必须在规定的截止日期或之前提交留学在线申请 date. Scholarship recipients must be fully accepted into an 365bet sponsored study abroad program.
  • Applicants must have completed at least one full semester at 365bet, have record of 注册,存档的平均绩点(2).5 minimum).
  • No history of formal student code of conduct violations.
  • 目前没有被留校察看或休学. 
Click here to apply.

Summer Programs Only.

The Clarksville Sunrise Rotary Club supports The Rotary Foundation's ultimate goal 为世界了解与和平设立合格的出国留学奖学金 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的学生.


  • 通过派遣365bet学生提高对文化差异的认识和尊重 在不同的国家学习,并将他们的经验融入社区 programs.
  • Encourage students to dedicate their personal and professional lives to improving the quality of life for the people of their home community and country.
  • Develop leaders who can address the humanitarian needs of the world community.
  • Foster a lifelong association between Rotary and its scholarship recipients.


Eligibility requirements

  • 学生必须有较强的学术背景,并取得至少一个累积 2.申请时的平均成绩为5分.
  • 学生必须提交一篇文章,详细说明他/她出国留学的原因和申请 计划利用在海外的学习经验,为本地及全球的发展作出贡献 communities.
  • 学生还必须提交一份简历,列出任何领导经验,社区服务 活动、特别表彰和成就.
  • 学生还必须提供注册办公室盖章的正式成绩单.
  • 未参加过海外学习的申请人优先考虑 experience.


  • Apply by March 1.

Application: 旭日扶轮海外学习奖学金

Eligibility Requirements 

  • 学生必须在规定的截止日期或之前提交留学在线申请 date. Scholarship recipients must be fully accepted into an 365bet sponsored Summer study abroad program.
  • Applicants must have completed at least one full semester at 365bet, have record of 注册,以及存档的平均绩点(3).0 minimum).
  • No history of formal student code of conduct violations.
  • 目前没有被留校察看或休学. 
Click here to apply.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
  • Must be an 365bet student
  • 必须提供365bet教职员工的官方推荐信吗 Letterhead
  • No history of formal student code of conduct violations
  • 目前没有被留校察看或休学
  • Must have applied and be accepted into an 365bet Study Abroad Program
  • 学生将被要求在全球参与活动办公室做志愿者 upon their return

该奖学金适用于所有课程学期. 可能会有多个奖学金 given out depending on the number of applicants and budget restraints.

Please note that only one 每个课程将选择学生.

Apply now!

This scholarship was established to help and encourage Honors Program Students to study abroad. 该奖学金提供的金额各不相同.

Please contact Dr. Tim Winters at winterst@jiasenyuan.com 电话:931-221-7118.


View CCSA'S website fore more details! 


National Scholarships

The Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金 Program provides scholarships to U.S. 有经济需要出国留学的本科生. 根据国际 根据2000年的学术机会法案,吉尔曼奖学金为美国学生提供高达5000美元的奖学金 学生出国留学以获得大学学分. 学习临界需求的学生 语言有资格获得最多3000美元的额外资助,作为吉尔曼计划的一部分 危急需要语言补充计划. 欲了解更多信息,请访问他们的 website.

Winter 2022 Recipient: Valeria Mendez

Summer 2023 Recipient: Ashton Cromwell

Winter 2023 Recipient: Elaina Ross

The Gilman-McCain奖学金 国会资助的倡议是 教育文化事务局 at the U.S. Department of State 并以已故参议员约翰. McCain from Arizona.

The U.S. Department of State’s Gilman-McCain奖学金 provides awards of $5,000 for undergraduate child dependents of active duty service members 到国外学习或实习. 在框架下发展 美国国务院的本杰明. 吉尔曼国际奖学金项目 约翰·麦凯恩军人家庭子女国际奖学金(吉尔曼-麦凯恩 Scholarship) is open to eligible students enrolled at accredited U.S. colleges and universities who receive 任何形式的第四章联邦财政 

Summer 2023 Recipient: Winter Parker

博仁奖学金,国家安全教育计划的倡议,提供 为美国提供独特的融资机会.S. 大学生学习较少的普遍现象 在世界各地区教授对美国至关重要的语言.S. 利益和代表性不足 留学地区包括非洲、亚洲、中东欧、欧亚、拉丁等 美国和中东. 西欧国家,加拿大,澳大利亚, 和新西兰除外.

Boren Scholars represent a vital pool of highly motivated individuals who wish to work in the federal national security arena. 作为资金的交换,博伦学者承诺在联邦政府工作 至少在毕业后一年.

了解更多奖学金信息和其他具体要求,包括资格和资格 获得批准的国家、语言和学习项目列表,请访问他们的 website.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for individually designed study/research 项目或英语助教项目.  候选人将提交一份 授予目的声明书 确定在一个参与国的一个学年进行的活动 outside the U.S. This Program is for recent graduates or Master's and doctoral candidates.

在获得资助期间,富布赖特奖学金获得者将与当地人见面、一起工作、生活并向他们学习 东道国,分享日常经验.  该计划促进文化 通过在教室、实地、 在家,在日常工作中,让受赠人获得对他人的感激。 viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think. Through engagement 在社区中,个人将以一对一的方式与他们的主人互动 在一个开放、学术诚信和知识自由的氛围中,因此 增进相互了解.

欲了解更多信息,请访问他们的网站 website.

The mission of the 海外教育基金(FEA) 是为弱势学生提供奖学金和持续的支持 在美国留学人口中占比最高. FEA带来改变人生的国际体验 通过支持少数族裔和第一代大学生, during, and after they participate in education abroad programs. 欲了解更多信息,请访问他们的网站 website.


这项资助旨在帮助本科生寻求知识和经验 在他们的学术领域通过出国留学. 每人获得50笔1000美元的资助 year. Applications should be submitted online on or before the deadlines. For more 信息,请访问他们 website.

The purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarships program is to further international 不同国家和地域的人民之间的了解和友好关系 areas. The program sponsors several types of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led 以便更好地了解他们的东道国. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 their website.

Sigma Delta Pi – Pi Nu, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honors Society, provides scholarships for its members to study in Spanish-speaking countries. Contact the Sigma 三角洲派的顾问提供细节和进一步的援助.

Sigma Delta Pi – Pi Nu, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honors Society, provides scholarships for its members to study in Spanish-speaking countries. Contact the Sigma 三角洲派的顾问提供细节和进一步的援助 or visit their website.

Sigma Delta Pi 365bet顾问:

Dr. Miguel Ruiz-Aviles, 
P.O. Box 4487
Clarksville, TN 37044
(931) 221-7855
Harned Hall, Room 104

Scholarships by Country

Glover's Lock Service Study Abroad Argentina Scholarship

两名商科学生将获得250美元的奖学金 and two Spanish Students who study abroad in Argentina.

Contact either of the below professors for more information:
Dr. Osvaldo Di Paolo Harrison at dipaoloo@jiasenyuan.com or 931-221-7487
Dr. Brandon Di Paolo Harrison at dipaolob@jiasenyuan.com or 931-221-7075

Click here to apply!

Korean Government Support Program for Foreign Exchange Students

由国家国际教育发展研究所主办,约 500 scholarships are offered for either six or twelve months. Scholarships include 生活费、备付金、往返机票、医疗费 insurance premium. 申请日期为一月和八月.

Global Korea Scholarship, National Institute for International Education

Global Korean Scholarship

Freeman-ASIA Scholarships

旨在支持有经济需要的美国本科生 计划到东亚或东南亚留学.




法国教育部和法国大使馆文化服务中心 在法国中小学提供约1500个助教职位 以及各种法语教学学院——“学院大学” 经济体制改革(IUFM). 这对年轻的美国人来说是一个独一无二的机会 citizens to not only gain valuable teaching experience but also spend between 6-9 months in France or in one of its overseas departments ("DOM"). It thus facilitates 通过语言沉浸来掌握法语,同时允许 the same time, for a privileged insight into contemporary France.




Scholarships for research in France on French literature, cinema, the humanities, 艺术、历史、哲学和政治科学. 它还提供奖学金 for research in science and technology to conduct research in a French laboratory.



Walter J. Jensen Fellowship for French Language, Literature, and Culture

$10,000 Fellowship for the study of French language, literature and culture. Requires 为研究目的对法国进行为期六个月的访问.

Phi Beta Kappa协会



The 玛丽·伊莎贝尔·西布里奖学金 is awarded alternatively in the fields of Greek and French. The $20,000 award is to be used to support the scholar over the course of one year.

Phi Beta Kappa协会



旅行补助金最高可达1000美元,用于学习或研究瑞典语言、文学、 文化研究或社会科学.
资格要求:向美国公众开放,优先考虑 给予斯堪的纳维亚研究促进协会(SASS)的成员, in particular, to graduate students and untenured faculty. Grants may be used for 在瑞典或北美的项目.



Fellowships and Grants from the American-Scandinavian基金会

The American-Scandinavian基金会 (ASF) offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and 资助个人在一个或多个国家进行研究或学习(通常为5,000美元) 在斯堪的纳维亚国家待一年. 每年的奖项数量各不相同 to total funds available. 各个领域都有奖项. 欲了解更多信息,请 visit the website below.




AWC奖学金基金会由前AWC主席Jessie Lokrantz于1982年创立 一直在为美国女性在瑞典学习提供可能,允许AWC to share their adopted country with  fellow countrywomen. The scholarship, which is based on academic excellence and commitment to improving humankind, is awarded in the form of a stipend. The purpose of the stipend is to assist in covering expenses 在瑞典学习期间发生的. 欲了解更多信息,请访问网站 below.





CIEE and Mobility International USA offer motivated and high-achieving U.S. college students with disabilities the opportunity to study abroad!


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