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Below is a list, although not comprehensive, of possible ways for Austin Peay alumni 参与并回馈学校.


As you consider making a gift to 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学, keep in mind that a gift may...


A gift whereby the charitable organization does not benefit until sometime in the 未来,根据合同中规定的条件. 校友和朋友通常都是这样 able to make a longer investment in the future of Austin Peay than they thought possible 通过递延赠与. 一些递延捐赠将为捐献人提供当期收入 当赠与成立时,可以减免当前的税收. 有几种方法 递延礼物:

  •  遗嘱、遗赠和信托
    • A person's statement to the public regarding the disposition of his or property at death.
  •  对房屋或其他财产的剩余权益
  •  保险单受益人的转让
  •  慈善剩余财产或领导信托
    • A trust that provides income to the charitable organization, with the corpus of the trust reverting to the donor or donor's family after a specified period of time.
  •  慈善捐赠年金
    • A charitable gift annuity is a simple combination of two concepts: a charitable gift 终身收入.  把它看作是回报的礼物.  礼物年金允许 you to make a gift to the 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学基金会, the program of your choice, and benefit from the following: safe, fixed income for your life and the life of a loved one (spouse or parent); tax savings - immediately and in the future; favorable treatment of capital gains, if funded with appreciated assets; and membership 在一个给予的社会里,你的天赋水平.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about a deferred gift.

A University-wide fund-raising program that solicits gifts on a yearly basis from 校友们,家长们,朋友们. 年度礼物通常在一年中花费 in which they are received and fall into one of two categories: unrestricted gifts, to be used as needed, and restricted gifts, designated for a specific purpose.


年度礼物可在网上购买 give.jiasenyuan.com 或邮寄至:


P.O. Box 4417






Numerous opportunities are available for people who are interested in honoring or 纪念亲人.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about naming opportunities.

捐赠:代替金钱的设备、用品或其他财产的捐赠. A donor might consider a gift-in-kind to the University, or a contribution other than cash, stocks and bonds, provided the gift is applicable to the mission of the University.



奖金作为捐款收到. 收益不会累积. 建立指导方针 由捐赠者和奥斯汀皮伊州立大学慈善办公室提供. 年度奖学金 awards usually distribute all of the available funds each year and may be renewed annually.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about annual scholarships.

Donors may choose to establish a scholarship or other type of permanent endowment 为了学生的利益和学校的发展. Donors who establish endowments have the option to name the fund and establish guidelines through 哪些收益被管理. 捐资奖学金可以由 最低捐款25,000美元. 资金被投资到365bet基金会并保留 永远完好无损. 奖学金连同所赚取的利息一起发放. 的可使用的 return from endowment funds, calculated on an individual fund basis, shall be 4 (4%) percent of a three year running average market value, plus 1 (1%) percent, calculated on the same basis, to be utilized to offset and recover operational expenses on endowments. Excess earnings are added to the principal of each fund in order to grow the endowment fund.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about establishing 一个养老.

A gift of 房地产 entitles a donor to the same tax benefits as a gift of securities, 只要该物业已拥有一年以上.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about a gift of 房地产.

By supporting the college, department, or program of one's choice, the donor is providing 供院长和教员根据需要使用的资金.


指定礼品可于网上订购 give.jiasenyuan.com 或邮寄至:


P.O. Box 4417






Making charitable gifts, resulting from a planning process which considers the effects 赠与人遗产的礼物. 有计划的礼物可以通过遗嘱、信托、 人寿保险、年金或基金会的民意调查收入基金.


您是否已经在您的遗嘱或信托中包含了给365bet的礼物? 请致电(931)221-7127365bet的办公室让我们知道.


Contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about planned giving.





If you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any additional accounts, these 是否被称为“非遗嘱认证资产”,需要单独规划. Using the online tool below, you can log all of your assets, name 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 as a beneficiary to strengthen missions and vocations and receive printable instructions 如何设置每一个与您的经纪人.

Making a gift of cash is probably the simplest way a person can support Austin Peay 州立大学. 无限制的捐赠为大学提供了一个资源池 which can be distributed to support projects, programs and high-priority needs.


礼品可以在网上购买 give.jiasenyuan.com 或邮寄至:


P.O. Box 4417






A gift of appreciated stocks or bonds, which have been owned for more than one year, entitles a donor to a full tax deduction for the market value of the securities. Capital gains taxes are avoided, thus allowing the donor to make a substantial gift to the 用最少的自费上大学.




DTC: 0164


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about appreciated securities.

A trust in which a donor transfers assets to a trustee subject to the right to receive 终身财产的初始公平市场净值的固定百分比.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about a charitable 剩余年金信托.

A donor transfers title to a home or farm to the University, reserves the right to 住在该房产中并从中获得收入. 捐赠者死后,家/农场 是机构的财产吗.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about a life estate agreement.

A signed and dated commitment to make a gift during a specified period according to 指定的条件.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about a pledge agreement.

A flexible agreement whereby a donor transfers income-producing property to a trustee 并在一定时期内获得收入. 其余的交给捐赠人保管 死亡变成了机构的资产.


Please contact our office at (931) 221-7127 to speak with someone about a revocable 生活的信任.